Why Miley Cyrus Crashed and Burned for Me at the #MTVVMAs

Why Miley Cyrus Crashed and Burned for Me at the #MTVVMAs

Did you watch Miley Cyrus last night?

I had the “pleasure” of watching her live.

Oh, yes. Live.

It was one of those rare moments when you’re watching someone do something scandalous and you’re honestly so embarrassed for them, you kind of don’t know what to do.

That was me last night.

Now let me preface with this statement, I am anything but a prude. I love a good raunchy joke. I can laugh and get a kick out of any kind of joke. I understand art and the power and interpretation of it. I’m a total good sport. And truly, I’m not offended easily.

But last night. Mama mia. Holy moly.

Miley Cyrus… crashed and burned for me. I haven’t been a huge fan of her. Well, I take that back… I was a Hannah Montana fan with my sons. I loved the show. I loved the music. I loved her dancing. She was a cutie pie with that little accent and big toothy smile.


Well… as the mom to a daughter now, I can’t imagine what her parents thought. And as the mom to 4 boys, this is EXACTLY what I don’t want my sons seeing and thinking is “normal.”

So this was why Miley Cyrus crashed and burned for me…

1) She ruined Blurred Lines for me. Even Robin Thicke looked a little confused when you started “twerking” him.

2) That being said… was it necessary to twerk that much? I mean, over and over and over again… was there a point? Was she getting paid extra for each additional twerk?

3) She ruined stuffed animals for me. Now I can’t look at them without thinking of her coming out of that big bear with her tongue out. Hmm… I don’t know if the tongue out was needed.

4) She ruined foam fingers for me (thank you Amy for bringing that to my attention). That poor foam finger. The rubbing. The biting. Oh, man. It was completely shock-factor-needy. And yes, she shocked.

5) She kind of hit rock bottom for me when Will Smith frowned. And not only him… his son, too. His good-looking-young-son.

6) Her outfit of choice? Nada. She’s trying to be too Lady GAGA. Way too Lady GAGA. Teddy-bear onesie with a nude-colored bikini? Yeah. NO.

I saw this and I thought about our youth.

I thought about the young girls who will see this and think it’s OK.
I thought about the young boy who will see this and think it’s SEXY and OK.
I thought about the parents who saw all this and now have to explain to their kids.
And I thought about her fans… gone are the days of the sweet Hannah Montana, say hello to the modern day sex symbol, one that I am not excited to share with my kids.

She crashed and burned for me.

Big time.

SOURCE: Mom Generations – Mom Fashion and Beauty – Read entire story here.