Waterfall Braids: The Perfect Summer Hairstyle?

Waterfall Braids: The Perfect Summer Hairstyle?

I’m obsessed with my bob, but sometimes it’s nice to do something different! On really hot days it’s such a relief to tie your hair up, but if your hair is short, sometimes the resulting ponytail isn’t so cute. (My husband refers to my ponytail affectionately as “the nub”.)

Thankfully, even us short haired babes have cute options. I had genius hairdresser Kristin Jackson give me two waterfall braids, and best of all, it’s so easy to do!

All you need are hair elastics, which makes the following offer so awesome! Buy U by Kotex at Target, and you’ll receive FREE Goody Hair Elastics! (Look for the tampons/pads in the little black box!) Text KOTEX to TARGET (827438) to get the coupon.

How to do it…

Start with a small piece of hair split into three equal sections (just like you would for a French braid).

Cross the top strand over the middle, then the bottom strand over the middle to start the braid.

Now, drop the bottom strand and pick up a piece of hair from behind the dropped strand. Use this as your new bottom strand!

Waterfall Braids: The Perfect Summer Hairstyle?

Before you cross the top strand over the middle strand, add in another section (just as you would for a French braid).

Again, cross the new bottom strand over the middle strand. Then drop it, and grab another new bottom strand behind the section you dropped.

Waterfall Braids: The Perfect Summer Hairstyle?

Continue these steps until you get your braid to where you’d like it to end! Then, simply tie it off with an elastic.

Waterfall Braids: The Perfect Summer Hairstyle?

We ended up doing the same thing on the other side, then tying the two ends together. You’re left with a super-cute waterfall braid that transforms your summer hair from drab to fab!

Waterfall Braids: The Perfect Summer Hairstyle?

Easy-peasy, lemon squeezy! I’m pretty sure this will be my default hairstyle in the Greek Islands!

Much love,

This post is sponsored by U by Kotex for Target. Buy U by Kotex at Target, and you’ll receive FREE Goody Hair Elastics! (Look for the tampons/pads in the little black box!) Text KOTEX to TARGET (827438) to get the coupon.

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SOURCE: galadarling.com – Read entire story here.