Travels With A Donkey in the Cévennes by Robert Louis Stevenson (1957)

Limited Editions Club Travels with a Donkey by Robert Louis Stevenson

Travels with a Donkey in the Cévennes is one of Robert Louis Stevenson’s earliest works, written while he was still in his twenties and published in 1879. It chronicles a twelve-day, one hunderd and twenty mile hike he took through the south of France with his donkey Modestine. The route that he took has since become very popular, and there’s actually a little tourist industry in the Cévennes that caters to hikers who want to retrace Stevenson’s route on the trail, now known as GR70. It’s considered a pioneering classic of outdoor literature and Stevenson’s ‘sleeping sack’ influenced modern-day sleeping bags.

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SOURCE: The Book Blog – Read entire story here.