The human touch: the brilliance of Murasaki Baby

It is, many people will tell you, one of the finest pieces of design in videogames. Ico’s power, its emotional impact, comes through a world of minimalist fantasy and a relationship delicately painted, but it all truly comes together in one feature: the gentle tug between Ico and Yorda, and the simple thud of the Dual Shock as you pull her along.

Massimo Guarini, the Italian developer who previously worked on Shadows of the Damned and helped bring Suda 51’s strange vision to life, knows that well. The first game from his new studio, Ovosonico, is built around that simple moment of contact. In Murasaki Baby, you take a child by the hand and guide her through a nightmare world.

This is a Vita exclusive game, and Guarini and his nine-strong team are playing to the handheld’s strengths and peculiarities. The front touch screen lets you reach out and grab the child’s hand, and pulling it to the right pulls her through Murasaki Baby’s darkly comic world.

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SOURCE: – PlayStation Vita – Read entire story here.