The Blacklist Season 10 Episode 17 Spoilers: Hudson Finds An Ally Inside The FBI

Double episodes saw Raymond try to help the Task Force escape from Hudson’s inquiry.

He employed various methods, including breaking and entering, intimidation, manipulation, and blackmail.

It was surprising on The Blacklist Season 10 Episode 15 when he restrained himself and didn’t go as far as he usually goes to get what he wants.

That behavior spoke to two things. Either Raymond had changed fundamentally, or he had given up on life. There seemed to be something on the horizon even though a deep inquiry from Dembe came up empty.

Both episodes also revealed that Raymond was on a mission to improve the world, but even more surprising was that he wanted nothing in return.

On The Blacklist Season 10 Episode 13, he sold valuable items at a throwaway price and some he gave for free.

He continued that streak by cleaning up a charity organization of corrupt leaders right before he made a sizeable donation to them.

But his primary mission both hours was to rid the Task Force of Congressman Hudson, and he tried to do it least destructively.

He finally succeeded by finding dirt on Senator Dorf, dealing a massive blow to the inquiry and leaving the Task Force to fight another day.

Hudson could not believe what happened after Dorf took a leave of absence from his job.

Many people would consider that a significant blow and stop there. He was ready to quit until someone interesting called.

Raymond knew that the only way to get to a politician was by blackmailing them because they always had something they wanted to hide.

He focused on Blair Foster, a popular DC fixer who he was almost guaranteed knew something about every politician in the city.

He succeeded in getting what he wanted, but some decisions have consequences.

Poking a hornet’s nest is never a good idea because they always fight back when they sense a disturbance.

Blair came off as someone who held a high opinion of herself and was unafraid of anybody.

She looked almost offended when the Task Force arrested and handcuffed her. If she was not offended, her pride must have been hurt.

She carried those feelings and must have dug around and realized that the Task Force that dared to arrest her was hanging on by a thread.

The final scenes of The Blacklist Season 10 Episode 16 saw her reaching out to Hudson with a proposition. If he would take a meeting with her, she’d give him something good.

Everyone knows that the best way to take down a system you consider bad is to do it from the inside. It is usually not as easy as it sounds, but it is possible with some dedication and a few allies.

So far, the Task Force has dealt with many threats, but most have been external.

Fielding external threats is easier because most systems have a way of protecting themselves. For the Task Force, they had the full legal backing of the United States Main Justice and the government by extension.

As a bonus, they had the backing of the world’s most wanted person to do the dirty work that they cant.

But when it comes to internal threats, they come out of nowhere. You can never anticipate them.

Blair has a broad reach in DC, and while going after governmental organizations might collide with her line of work, it’s never her primary goal.

She usually uses people to the nasty work, and the latest of her victim is Congressman Hudson.

Spoilers for The Blacklist Season 10, Episode 17 tease an internal threat as Hudson finds someone from the FBI to join his crusade.

This will present a significant escalation in his inquiry into the Task Force because having someone in the FBI gives him almost unending access to their resources. Thus, he doesn’t have to cut through so much red tape.

He is also nursing fresh wounds from that Dorf press conference embarrassment, so he will be out for blood.

The Task Force continues operating blissfully as they work on another case elsewhere.

Shipping has become a lucrative venture, especially in the current world of e-commerce. Everyone loves shopping online and getting their item at their doorstep as soon as possible. It has opened a new world.

But like everything good, bad players always find a way to corrupt it. One of the biggest problems from shipping is human trafficking, especially of women and children.

This marginalized group is sold to modern slavers for sexual and economic exploitation.

The other problem is that illegal items have found a way to get around the world quickly. We’re talking about drugs, knock-off products, and poached spoils.

The Task Force finds themselves working on a case about shipped contraband.

Through their investigations, the Task Force encounters a ring of fraudulent companies whose primary trade are items the government has banned.

It is unclear how they came by this case, but if we were to go by the events of the past few episodes and if the case originated from Raymond, he must be up to something good.

Red made a few trips to Cuba, and on those trips, he tried to reconnect with Weecha for the second time.

Viewers who watch the Blacklist online know that after rejecting him initially, Weecha finally admitted to Manny that Red’s consistent efforts were wearing her down.

Congressman Hudson has not been impressive as an antagonist so far. It’s highly doubtful that he will measure up to others from the past because he is naturally a good person.

The team-up teased in these spoilers might be the most effective weapon in his arsenal, but whether he will use it accordingly remains to be seen.

What are you looking forward to? Hit the comments section, and don’t forget to catch the episode this Thursday at 8 p.m. on NBC.

Denis Kimathi is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. He has watched more dramas and comedies than he cares to remember. Catch him on social media obsessing over [excellent] past, current, and upcoming shows or going off about the politics of representation on TV. Follow him on Twitter.

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