Review of my book LAWLESS

At Thomas McNulty’s blog, Dispatches From the Last Outlaw, he writes a very kind review of my novel LAWLESS. Here’s a sample:

‘I am long overdue in discussing
an Ed Gorman novel on this blog. There was a time when he had books coming out
from Leisure and Berkley
and I bought whatever I could afford. If any of you are ever fortunate to meet
my wife, she enjoys telling a story about giving me “lunch money” when we were
first married (over thirty years ago) and then discovering I wasn’t eating
lunch. You’ve already guessed what I did with the money. That’s right – the
paperbacks piled up. They continue to pile up. Gorman is one of my favorites. Lawless dates from 2000, published by Berkley, a tough western.
Gorman writes with an economy of style that still fully realizes the scenes,
dialogue and characterization.’

Read the rest of the review here.  Amazon has a few used copies available.

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