“Reader Emails,” Tomorrow’s Podcast of Emails, & Toxic Bachelor Nation Now Have Rachel on Their Radar – Reality Steve

So this week has kinda gotten away from me, therefore, I don’t have a guest for tomorrow’s weekly podcast. Which means…(drumroll please)…YOU will be providing the content for this weeks weekly podcast. Get your emails in (some of you already have) to steve@realitysteve.com, or message me on IG or Twitter. Get your questions, comments, queries in and I’ll answer them on tomorrow’s podcast. I usually do a Thursday “Reader Emails” at least 2 times a year. Been a while since I’ve done one so due to circumstances this week, and not being able to get a guest at the last second, figured I’d answer your emails for the pod. It’s always fun doing these once in a while because you guys come up with some great stuff. Doesn’t have to necessarily be Bachelor related either. Could be LIB (can’t wait to watch the weddings today. My prediction: still think only Johnny and Amy are getting married), Vanderpump Rules or, you know, Deal or No Deal Island if you want ha ha.

So yesterday, Toxic Bachelor Nation reared it’s ugly head and went after Rachel on IG. Why? Well because of course it was since Joey decided to pick Rachel over Maria. And oh yeah, they didn’t like Rachel asking Maria what she said to Joey after she came back from pulling him aside. I know, what a crime, huh? You should see the hatred Rachel got on her own IG and on the BachelorABC IG account. It wasn’t even borderline racism, either. It WAS laced with racism. Truly incredible. Hell, Charity even took to Twitter yesterday to defend Rachel.

Here’s someone who hasn’t commented much on the season, and she has to come in and defend Rachel FOR DOING NOTHING WRONG because a section of the fan base is at it again. And you know what? The same thing is gonna happen next Bachelor season to some contestant. We don’t know who, but it’s 100% happening. Why? Because it happens EVERY season now. How many times do we have to see either the show or a contestant post something during the season that tells fans “you’re not seeing the whole story,” “we’re real people too,” etc. I’m sure we’re on about 6 or 8 season run with this. Our top 3 women have heard these criticims this season:

1) Kelsey has yellow teeth
2) Daisy has a vocal fry and all she talks about is her cochlear implant
3) Rachel asked Maria what she said to Joey

The amazing this is, if these trolls EVER ran into any of these women out in public, do you think they’d go up to Kelsey’s face and say, “I think your teeth are yellow?” Or go up to Daisy and say, “I really don’t like your voice. You’ve got such a vocal fry. And stop talking about your cochlear implant. We get it.” Or say to Rachel, “You were rude for asking Maria what she said to Joey.” No. Not in a million years would anyone ever say that to their face. So why is it so easy for them to say that online? Trolls just keep proving my point every time they open their mouths, so to speak. Problem is, it’s a way of life with this franchise right now, and with other shows too. And until these accounts have to suffer some sort of consequence for what they say to someone else, it’s gonna continue unfortunately.

And since “Bachelorette” talk is the next topic on the table and who it will be, here’s a chart from @BachelorData on what week Bachelorettes went home on their seasons

“Reader Emails” begins on Page 2…

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