Muse webchat – your questions answered on snowmen, Black Mirror and the new album | Muse

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Thanks guys, we loved your questions. – DH

Really enjoyed talking to you and will continue on Twitter later. – MB

LewisF2001 asks:

Chris, what’s your favourite young and upcoming band?

Chris isn’t here sadly, but I like that band Judah and the Lion. I heard some artist, I think a bit of a solo act, called Grandson, the other day, and it sounds a bit like weird, heavier Twenty One Pilots, Nine Inch Nails kinda thing, sounds cool. He’s literally just released a few singles. – DH

I quite like the look of that band that played the NME awards, Pale Waves – that was the first time I’d heard of them. – MB

TheShiftyShadow asks:

Do you prefer building sandcastles or snowmen?

I build sandcastles on a regular basis so I’m gonna choose snowmen cos I don’t get to do that very often. – MB

I’d probably choose snowmen as well. Trying to think back to the last time I did that… When I was a kid and it rarely snowed I really enjoyed rolling up that huge ball of snow. I once built an igloo with my sister – no shit – and got inside it. – DH

panisctation asks:

Will the setlists for the next tour provide more room for rarities (Muscle Museum, B&H, Dead Star, Showbiz, etc.) seeming that your fans love older material more? And less filler songs, perhaps, like NKOK, Interlude, Isolated System?

Regarding rarities, it’s more likely that we’ll do occasional shows for the hardcore fans that want rare and early material. Regarding the bigger shows, the majority of the audience don’t respond to the rare deep cuts. And filler songs – sometimes I need a vocal break. – MB

AnyaDubinets asks:

Do Hazelnut and Floyd like each other?

They do like each other but Floyd’s a bit older than Hazel so he’s now ready to chase the girls around a little bit, and Hazelnut’s a bit too young for him, which he recognised when they met, so I was quite proud of him. He was more interested in the older ladies right in front of Hazel. Maybe trying to make her jealous… – DH


Have you ever fallen in a hole?

I have, yeah. It was like a hidden drain or something, my leg went all the way in and I scratched really badly the back of my leg and up my arse. It was pretty disgusting there for a while. – DH

Only dark psychological holes. – MB

ShakeYourTactics asks:

Which of the following chocolate bars – Galaxy, Milky Way, Mars – is most likely to crop up in one of your song titles?

Milky Way for sure, firstly because it’s my favourite chocolate bar. Supermassive Black Hole is the centre of the Milky Way, so it’s already featured. Cydonia is a place on Mars… – MB

BumBum Bummy BumBum asks:

Do you miss playing tiny gigs to 50 people in bars and clubs?

Absolutely not! I mean, not to 50 people. With Muse, probably not, I think our music doesn’t really work that well in those venues, but that Dr Pepper’s Jaded Hearts Club thing we did – we did a couple of birthday parties to about 50 people and really enjoyed it actually. – MB

jajones7 asks:

Who is your favourite rapper and why?

I really like Kendrick Lamar, in terms of someone who’s current. His live shows are so theatrical and really thought out and he’s really taking his art seriously. – DH

I’ll go with Zach de la Rocha from Rage Against the Machine. – MB

LuStrong asks:

Do you like Bat for Lashes?

Yeah, I really like her a lot! Especially the first two albums. – MB

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