In Which Adam is Pleasantly Surprised by Accidentally Discovering Something Thought-Provoking

Because I’m all heart, I’m the first to say when those who create our treasured comics do something amazing. It’s the least I could do, as I’m always waiting in the wings to poke fun when they don’t quite hit it out of the park.
Such is the case with Spy Smasher #10:
In the lead story, he decides to head straight over to Germany and do the world a favor and take Hitler out once and for all:
This was not some dream or imaginary story, as was often done when other comic characters were depicted smacking Hitler on behalf of several grateful nations. It’s also worth noting that comic book characters were often written out of getting involved directly with the battles on the front lines. Heck, the Golden Age Green Lantern was only in the military for about half a dozen issues or so before he was honorably discharged. So, it’s kind of refreshing to see a writer unafraid to go for broke on this very volatile topic.
And not only did Smash go to Germany, he

well, he did this:

That, my friends, is dang impressive.
And Smash gets caught right away, but he has the same reaction anyone would have had at the time:

But, as awesome as comics are, you can’t rewrite current events:

Yeah, I know. We knew something like that was coming, but it’s still a bringdown.

Here’s where it gets really interesting in a What If Spy Smasher (or Anyone Else) Killed Hitler? sense..

I admit, I had never thought of that possibility. Then again, remember what got the United States into the war? This wouldn’t be much different in terms of giving people a cause than Pearl Harbor.
So, Smash learned something and, seventy years later, gave me something to think about:

Yup. Smash thought it was best for Hitler to stay alive until Germany fell… keeping him alive and wearing down Germany made more sense in the long run than the immediate gratification of seeing Hitler get a fraction of what he deserved.
And that, my friends, makes this issue a CMNS Buried Treasure! (tm!)

SOURCE: Comics Make No Sense – Read entire story here.