Greatest Hits … This Week (Vol. 258) –

Cover image by Mehdi MeSSrro via

We’ve been away for a while, on one of those hiatus things, so this is the first playlist we’ve posted since, oh, about the 10th atmospheric river of the season drenched L.A. (Are we up to 15 yet?)

Greatest Hits … This Week (Vol. 258) features tunes from James Supercave, Alaska Reid, Miya Folick, Johanna Samuels, Irontom, Teenage Wrist, Fatal Jamz, Gal Pal, Photo Ops, Annabel Lee, Social Drag, Mae Deline, Lauren Lakis, Easy Dreams and more. And if you don’t recognize some of those names, well, that’s the point of our playlists.

Find more mixes on our Spotify profile. And for now, dive in:

Teenage Wrist, “Sunshine”
Gal Pal, “Angel in the Flesh”
Alaska Reid, “Back to This”
Fatal Jamz, “Cult Star”
Miya Folick, “Mommy”
James Supercave, “The Situation”
Jordi, “Clear”
Irontom, “Con Artist”
Lauren Lakis, “Take My Hand”
Easy Dreams, “25 Moons”
Scott Goldbaum, “Laundry List”
Emily James, “Lovely Enough”
Mae Deline, “Black Hole”
Photo Ops, “The Dream Is Done”
Johanna Samuels, “Ugly on the Inside”
Lauren Early, “Tomorrow”
Holly Blair, “Make It on My Own”
Social Drag, “Can’t Get You Out of My Head”
Aloud, “Big Blue”
Billy Tibbals, “Hurt So Bad”
Annabel Lee, “Los Angeles”
Kilo Bravo, “The Tantrum”

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