Device 6: Adventure texts

In the beginning was the word. Words made the world and everything in it. Words made oceans surrounding a slope-backed island, and they made the steep, jutting rock of the island itself. They made a game, of sorts, and they made the landscape for the game to play out across. They made the characters in the game – all but one of them – and they provided puzzles for that final, missing character to work their way through. The end result? The end result is a game that has its developer laughing and shrugging as he tries to explain things to me. “It turns out that it’s one of those games that is surprisingly hard to talk about.”

So much for words, eh? Not quite.

Device 6 isn’t a sequel to Year Walk, Simogo’s wonderfully creepy dream-logic treat from a few months back, but it is a continued exploration of some of Year Walk’s deeper preoccupations. It’s another adventure game with puzzles in it, if you feel the need to cling, awkwardly, to the kind of genres that never really apply in such territory. It’s a narrative game in which the text of the narrative has been pulled to the surface.

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SOURCE: – iPad – Read entire story here.