DC Women Kicking Ass – Wonder Woman Movie Snack Swag looks … You…

Thoughts, pictures, reviews and other stuff about the women in comics who kick ass. This is a feminist site. Deal with it.
“… just a dreadful little site that just basically compiles lists.” – poster/DC Comics forum
“… provides a much-needed voice that is not often heard on traditional comic sites.” – Wired’s Geek Dad
… she’s pretty amazingly ignorant of comics outside of the Batverse and some recent Wonder Woman, and seems pretty clueless about the way the industry works. That and she doesn’t write that well at all.” anonymous poster, Dreamwidth
” … a phenomenal blog that’s always up to date with female superhero news …” -Nerdbastards.com
(header art by Peter Nguyen)

Wonder Woman Movie Snack Swag looks … You Guessed it

I’m excited and nervous about the Wonder Woman movie debuting just three months from now. They held a preview last Saturday and as you can expect the spoilers have been hitting the internet. I was sent two different accounts – the first scared me, the second not so much.

But really what would keep me from seeing this. And now we have a look at some of the in-theater stuff.

That WW cup? Mine. Wonderful.

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