Daily Roundup 9/18 – The Devin Story Gets Worse Not Better, A “Statement” From The Show (Sort Of), Defenders Of Devin Are Clueless, A Tweet From Production Becomes Suspicious In Light Of Recent News, DWTS Night 1, Big TV Night Tonight

You are listening to the Daily Roundup here as part of the Reality Steve podcast. I am your host, Reality Steve. Thank you all for tuning in on this Wednesday. Got more Devon stuff to go over some of the reaction yesterday the fallout from the podcast and the YouTube video I’m also going to talk about some questions that I have that I think probably need to be answered by Production and not just the basics of how did this guy get through the vetting process?

There are some things out there online that I have questions about I do want to talk about Reference the fact that the guy who was appearing in the chat during the YouTube on Monday night was definitely not Devin. Cause that guy was saying I’ll be on vile files on Thursday. No, you won’t. You were a troll screwing around, hoping you’d get attention.

You didn’t, I didn’t put you on the show. And if Devin was going to be on vile files, don’t you think Nick would have promoted that by now, considering it would be tomorrow. So dumb. We’re going to talk about dance with the stars night one. Good showing for both bachelor contestants, the bachelor nation contestants, and we’re getting you ready for tomorrow’s weekly podcast, because it’s going to be with Cheryl Burke.

And then tonight, big night of TV in my world, and we will get to all that momentarily. So I wanted to begin by talking about a few things in regards to Devin. More or less the reaction from yesterday, some things that I saw, some things that I think we need to go over some questions that I have and I do kind of want to start here.

I told you yesterday that I knew that this story was going to get picked up by the major outlets, Hollywood Reporter, Variety, EW, People, I think Us Weekly is the only one that didn’t cover it. And thank you to all of them for giving me credit. Although it is kind of funny because when you read their stories, it’s literally, you’ll read five paragraphs and it says story first reported by Reality Steve.

Now, I know you’re going to say, Steve, you complain when they don’t credit you and now you’re complaining when they do. All I’m saying is they know exactly what they’re doing when they stick a one sentence credit in the middle of a 10 paragraph story. Honestly, for me now, there were a couple of people that put it in the very beginning.

Variety did, I believe Hollywood Reporter did as well. Um, but when you stick it in the middle of the story, it’s like, okay, I appreciate the credit, but the story is out there because of my YouTube video. I think in the first two paragraphs, it should say bachelor. I don’t want to say expert, but. Reality Steve who covers the bachelor franchise reported and then go with your story, you know, but something that was posted yesterday by a lot of the outlets because they ended up digging was they were able to get certain things.

From the original restraining order, which I was told was under seal. Now, like I said, I got the stuff that I did because it was public record. I think there were probably ways to go about getting the other things and getting at least something in paperwork from the stuff that was under steel, but again, I knew about it.

If I wanted it out there, I would have put it out there. It was these entertainment sites, choices to find the original restraining order. And talk about some of the things that were in it. I told you it was bad. I told you this wasn’t, Oh, he harassed her with phone calls. He harassed her with text messages.

He cyber harassed her. No, it wasn’t that if you read the stories, you know exactly what I’m talking about. The only thing I’m going to bring up, because there was a lot of paperwork out there, there were some sites that actually posted, people are getting mad at me for covering the story yet. They’re the ones that actually went and posted.

All seven pages of the original restraining order or the part of the restraining order that was allowed to be viewed. I, I just, I don’t get it. I, I don’t get it. I, I know that her name still hasn’t gotten out there, nor should it, but I’m sorry. You cannot get mad at me and then go post the actual re fucking restraining order yourselves.

Sorry. That’s about as hypocritical as you can get. Unreal. You know. That’s what you get when you deal with people like that. However, the thing that I wanted to mention, and just the biggest thing to come out of the original restraining order, like I said, it’s bad. It’s not, but text messages and this stuff, bottom line is he put her in a chokehold at one point.

So she took out a restraining order against him. So that was my whole point of reporting. This story is he had a restraining order against him. It did not matter who the person was. She doesn’t need to be named. It’s the fact that on the Bachelor application, it specifically says you can’t have a restraining order against you and apply for this show.

Now you can get into semantics and say, well, Devin didn’t apply, someone else applied for him and nominated him. Great. It’s still in his contract. Steve, maybe he didn’t read his contract. Well, maybe he should have, number one, but number two, I said it yesterday and I’ll say it again. Anybody that’s ever been interviewed for this show can tell you, they will sit you down and grill you and say, is there anything that we should know about that could get out about you?

That could be very, very bad for us and bad for you. And this guy sat there with a straight face and told them no. Knowing he had this in his past and all he was doing was basically crossing his fingers and hoping this wouldn’t get out. He has no defense for this. Anybody that came to his defense yesterday has no defense.

This isn’t a, you know, Steve, this is college. He was, this was seven years ago. No, sorry. Devin didn’t had a couple of didn’t have a couple of drunken disorderly. He didn’t have a disturbing the piece in college. He didn’t get a few parking tickets in college. He didn’t get a speeding ticket in college. He had a restraining order from his ex girlfriend because he fucking put her in a chokehold.

Don’t tell me he was This was all college kids being college kids. People grow. People get better. Do you realize how bad that sounds when that is your defense of this guy? So I’ll just turn the question on you. Okay, if you don’t think it’s that bad, would you let your daughter date him? And I guarantee you, if you’re being honest with yourself, 100 percent of you would say no.

Because he has this in his past. He could have changed Steve. That was seven years ago. Shit. I hope he has changed, but that being on his record should have prevented him from being cast. The show should have found it. If so many people could find it after I brought it to the people’s attention yesterday, and everybody can now go on and pay a certain fee.

I don’t even know what the fee is to pull now the unsealed restraining order, original restraining order. How did the show not get this? It’s because they didn’t do any sort of due diligence and they just took Devin at his word. And Devin can blame me and his inner circle can be mad at me. You don’t realize how that’s making you look.

You cannot say he’s better now and he’s learned no, he hasn’t because even after all this, the bottom line is at the very, very least at the very, very least. And I’m talking, this is a, this is about as least as you can get. At the very least, once filming was over, and he had just completed two months, clearly the show never said anything to him, clearly Jen didn’t know anything, cameras were finally off for the first time since overnight dates, and this guy, at the very least, could have at least told Jen, Before we get started on this journey together, now that filming is over, I just want to be open and honest with you just for sake of transparency to be with somebody now that you plan on being with for a long time, because you remember you love bombed her for four episodes and you told her how much you were going to put her first and all this and that and all his ridiculous love bombing.

So. You would think one in that situation would be like, Hey, I just want to let you know this. This is in my past. I had a restraining order taken out against me from an ex in college. I think you should know about this for, for sake of transparency. I don’t think it’s going to get out, but if it does, I want you to be the first to know about it.

Now, I think Jen would have had major red flags up at that point. If he told her that he’s got to do it. But this guy with his smarmy ass smile. And his smug everybody done and his Conor McGregor Instagram posts literally thought I don’t need to say anything because it’s never going to get out. He banked on the fact that nobody was going to find this out.

And I’m sorry. That is sorry of him. It’s classless and it’s reckless and it’s dangerous. He had the ability to say something to Jen at the very least, just tell her this is in your past. Let her make a decision. Then you know why he didn’t tell her for everything that I told you the night after, after the final rose, because he didn’t care about her.

I’m sorry. If you cared about somebody, you would tell them something that important from your past period. End of story. This podcast is brought to you by Mint Mobile. You know, me, when it comes to Mint Mobile, I had a wireless plan that was over 120 a month at one point. I believe it was 150 and I’m like, is this normal?

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