DC Women Kicking Ass – Comics to Read, Post Pi Day, Ides of March edition

Thoughts, pictures, reviews and other stuff about the women in comics who kick ass. This is a feminist site. Deal with it.
“… just a dreadful little site that just basically compiles lists.” – poster/DC Comics forum
“… provides a much-needed voice that is not often heard on traditional comic sites.” – Wired’s Geek Dad
… she’s pretty amazingly ignorant of comics outside of the Batverse and some recent Wonder Woman, and seems pretty clueless about the way the industry works. That and she doesn’t write that well at all.” anonymous poster, Dreamwidth
” … a phenomenal blog that’s always up to date with female superhero news …” -Nerdbastards.com
(header art by Peter Nguyen)

Comics to Read, Post Pi Day, Ides of March edition

Greetings from the land of Snowpocalypse (not really). Sadly I did not have any pie yesterday for Pi day but will send a postcard to the White House for the Ides of Trump. 

But on to comics! And today I have three for you (I might have had four but Dark Horse dropped me from their reviewers list). I am most excited for the arrival of yet another first issue for one of my favorite characters.

The 0 issue was a good, necessary introduction or reintroduction of the character. This issue puts Kate smack in the middle of a case and it is expert piece of writing and art. I want to start with the art by Steve Epting which is smart, sharp and expedient in its story telling while also offering beautiful backgrounds and character work. Epting is known for his work on Marvel’s Winter Soldier but he did equal if not superior work on Image’s Velvet and he is the perfect pick for this book. The writing by James Tynion and Marguerite Bennett is also very strong. If you read Detective you know Tynion “gets” Kate but I can see Bennett’s hand too and look forward to her flying solo. Batwoman has been through so much in the last decade and its good to see the book is back in strong hands with a team who respects her past and is building an exciting engrossing future. Jump on board this.


I’ve enjoyed each issue of this book but while I was reading this crazy train issue I thought how much it will be good to reread this all the way through once it reaches its climax. This issue runs into the Mad Hatter and he Mad Hats the fuck out of Batman with his mind altering. The art by Giuseppi Camuncoli reflects that mind-hatting experience with a surreal, pop feel. I don’t often note lettering work but Steve Wands is a standout here in creating the mind altering feel of the book. The Batfamily shows up here and it leads to one of my favorite Snyder/Bat lines. I’ll let you discover it.


LIz Prince’s Tomboy was one of my favorite graphic novels from a few years back and she has been busy doing sequential work for the Boom folks. Today her all ages Coady and the Creepies debuts and its is engaging first issue crossing multiple genres – All girl band ala Jem and Josie? Check. Mystery solving team ala Scooby Gang? Check. Energetic romping feel with younger chacters ala Gotham Academy and the Lumberjanes? Check. I think that says what you need to know if you’re going to pick this up, which I recommend you do.

That’s it for me this week. I am still engrossed by Riverdale and my daughter and I have been obsessed with rereading Archie comics since the holidays. This past weekend we discussed the show, Jughead being Ace and the need for the show to include more characters (My daughter demands Nancy) on a long trip from a college visit. That’s why I am going to give a shout out to this comic from a few weeks back that leads into the new series launching next month. It’s the backstory to the show and is a must for anyone who is into this show (although I can understand the issues of those who aren’t). 


That’s it for me this week. What’s on your list?

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