AAP Announces 2024 Hawkins, PROSE Award Winners

The Association of American Publishers has announced that Princeton University Press has won the 2024 R.R. Hawkins Award for excellence in scholarly publishing for The Voices of Nature: How and Why Animals Communicate by Nicolas Mathevon—the second year in a row the press has taken the honor.

“Princeton University Press is honored to accept the R.R. Hawkins Award, and humbled to do so for a second year in a row,” said Princeton University Press director Christie Henry, in a a statement. “Nicolas Mathevon entrusted to our team this extraordinary work, which opens all of our senses to the ways in which sounds and communication shape culture, community and environment. It’s a thrill to amplify its impact with this award.”

Princeton took home the 2023 R.R. Hawkins award for Kimberly Kay Hoang’s Spiderweb Capitalism.

In addition, the AAP also announced the winners of the 2024 PROSE Awards, which recognizes “best-in-class scholarly publications in four categories: Biological & Life Sciences, Humanities, Physical Sciences & Mathematics, and Social Sciences.” The winners are:

The Voices of Nature: How and Why Animals Communicate by Nicolas Mathevon (Princeton University Press), which, in addition to winning the R.R. Hawkins Award also took home the PROSE award in the biological and life sciences category.

Residual Governance: How South Africa Foretells Planetary Futures by Gabrielle Hecht (Duke University Press) in the social sciences category.

Mnemonic Ecologies: Memory and Nature Conservation along the Former Iron Curtain (MIT Press) by Sonja K. Pieck, in physical sciences and mathematics.

Giotto’s Arena Chapel and the Triumph of Humility by Henrike Christiane Lange (Cambridge University Press) in Humanities.

“Taken as a whole, this year’s winners illustrate the power and importance of scholarly publishing, combining detailed research, concise prose, and inventive approaches that make these works truly compelling for both expert and lay readers,” said AAP COO Syreeta Swann, in a release.

Awarded since 1976, the AAP’s PROSE Awards recognize publishers “who produce books, journals, and digital products of extraordinary merit that make a significant contribution to a field of study.” More on the 2024 PROSE Awards can be found here.

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