DC Women Kicking Ass – I Saw Wonder Woman And I am Happy

Thoughts, pictures, reviews and other stuff about the women in comics who kick ass. This is a feminist site. Deal with it.
“… just a dreadful little site that just basically compiles lists.” – poster/DC Comics forum
“… provides a much-needed voice that is not often heard on traditional comic sites.” – Wired’s Geek Dad
… she’s pretty amazingly ignorant of comics outside of the Batverse and some recent Wonder Woman, and seems pretty clueless about the way the industry works. That and she doesn’t write that well at all.” anonymous poster, Dreamwidth
” … a phenomenal blog that’s always up to date with female superhero news …” -Nerdbastards.com
(header art by Peter Nguyen)

I Saw Wonder Woman And I am Happy

How long? How long did we wait for this? For me, it was decades. 

Did you know I had my doubts it would get made? And I my misgivings? And my worries? That I was very concerned with the actress they cast? That I was very, very concerned after first director left. And how white that cast looked. * Oh, and how very disappointing both B v S and Suicide Squad were.

But finally the Wonder Woman movie is here. And for me, it was glorious. I hope it is for you too.

Patty Jenkins has delivered one of the best superhero movies ever. Gal Gadot was just the right balance of fish out of water and kick ass. 

There were tears from both me and my daughter at the end of our viewing last night. I am going back to see it again tomorrow.

So go. Go see a female superhero on the big screen. Go see a movie where a woman can be heroic and human (even if she not quite). Go get shivers as Wonder Woman makes her debut on the field of war. And go and see what a good DC film looks like.

And let me know what you think. 

* I would still trade out Antiope for Phillipus.

Originally posted by dcfilms

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