Becky’s Book Reviews: 190. The Blind Side

The Blind Side. Patricia Wentworth. 1939. 224 pages. [Source: Library] [Adult fiction; mystery]

First sentence: Craddock House stands at the end of one of those streets which run between the Kings Road and the Embankment. 

Premise/plot: This one is the first in the Ernest Lamb mystery series by Patricia Wentworth. It was my first time–to my recollection–reading Patricia Wentworth. This one is, in many ways, your typical classic British mystery. It involves a murder….and a dysfunctional [extended] family is at the center of the drama. Though not every suspect is a [distant or near] relation.

My thoughts: I enjoyed this one. I would probably have enjoyed it a LOT more if the library due date had not made me rush through the last hundred pages. There’s nothing quite like the feeling of having to race through a book because it is due at the library. I enjoyed it enough that I would reread it again at some point and possibly continue on in the series. 


© 2023 Becky Laney of Becky’s Book Reviews

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