Wild Beyond Drummer Evan Madden (ex-Woe, Woods of Ypres) Blasts Through “Radio Dark Bust Origins” in New Playthrough Video

Wild Beyond‘s self-titled Gates of Hell Records debut, released earlier this year, was a surprising bout of psychedelic, colorful black/thrash metal. Featuring current and former members of Morgul Blade, Daeva, Woe, Woods of Ypres, and many, many more, Wild Beyond’s blistering black metal takes the listener to a riff-filled land of hate and occultism. In a new playthrough video, drummer Evan Madden blasts through “Radio Dark Burst Origins” with no triggers, no edits, fleet-footed kick drum work, and plenty of interesting grooves. Watch Madden play through the song in one take below.

From drummer Evan Madden:

We tried to pack a lot into this song, and it’s a lot of fun to play. The intro is super fast, then the main verse beat is inspired by some old Enslaved-type shuffling triplet stuff. The rest of the song is pretty much rolling kicks and I get to open up on top.

This video is my first take, with no edits and no triggers, so what you see is what you get.  Just muscling through it the same as the live set. In the video I’m using Vater “Hammer” drumsticks which are just heavy dowels with no taper at all. That’s a new thing for me but it’s super punchy sounding on all the drums.

Wild Beyond is out now via Gates of Hell Records.

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