Wheel Saint Page 6 – Penny Arcade

Here’s the last morsel of WHEEL SAINT. I’m very pleased with the whole thing. Hollywood is currently being ground to a halt because it doesn’t want to pay people what they’re worth, and it wants to obscure or even simulate their labor, but if somebody from that haunted pit doesn’t call me about my motherfuckin’ angel cars it’s because they’re concussed.

What’s more is that we were able to put this project together pretty fast, even though it was all full pages. It never interrupted the normal flow of updates, and it never had to be modified from our fantasy about it. We wrote it almost a month ago and then he just drew it whenever he could. Which… I mean, was basically all the time because this is what he wants to do. He just wants to draw cool shit. There’s a lot that I like in these pages, but I’m definitely a sucker for Page Three, which is the “I wait for the light” page.

The only difficult part of this process was choosing which things we wanted to include. Because this initial foray necessarily involved manufacturing a lot of world-state data, there’s still a lot to learn about this version of Purgatory. We’ll get together Monday and figure out what project we wanna do next; could be more Wheel Saint, more Eyrewood shit, whatever. Ironically, it’s a lot more fun – and thus easier – to make entire pages full of completely original work than to try to glean inspiration from most gaming media.  It’s pretty thin fucking soup.

Dirty Dwab is out for today, he’s got a big deadline coming up for a project you don’t even know exists. But I’m ready to jump in for a couple hours and try out this Dave the Diver shit Gorb won’t shut up about. What’s goin’ on with these fish?! I’ll start up the stream around 11am PST and we can find out together.

(CW)TB out.

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