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Mission critical intel incoming!

Welcome to Hammerheads HQ, our new community blog post for Exoprimal!

These posts will be another way for us to share Exoprimal news and info directly with you, delve into game details ahead of launch and more!

To get things rolling, we’ll be taking a look at some of the numbers and interesting finds from our March Open Beta, as well as highlighting the recent news we shared on our social media that gave an exciting update about content that you’ll be able to dive right into when Exoprimal launches in July.

Open Beta Breakdown

As many of you know, in March we held our first Open Beta Test for Exoprimal, following our Closed Beta Test at the end of 2022.

Players from across the globe rallied to Leviathan’s invite to try the wargames, and well, you all certainly made yourselves busy! Let’s take a look at how that went down…

Dinosaurs Slayed

Yep, you read that correctly, in the Open Beta alone, Exofighters slayed a staggering 382 million Raptors! No matter how many came through those portals, you held the line and pushed back the ravenous super swarms that hungered for a nibble on your Exosuit! Don’t worry though, we know Leviathan has plenty more Raptors where they came from, eagerly awaiting to make your acquaintance.

On top of the Raptors you reintroduced to extinction, you managed to topple a very respectable amount of large dinos, with players toppling over 1.2 million Triceratops and achieving just shy of 725k T-Rex takedowns. Taking down a T-Rex or Triceratops is a real show of teamwork, so well played there! (Trust us, we know exactly how it feels to be isolated by a T-Rex for a quick visit to the respawn screen. Always stick with your team!)

Dominators Activated

Throughout the Beta’s wargames, Leviathan was kind enough to give Exofighters the occasional opportunity to harness the power of Dominators, allowing you to pay a little visit to the enemy team whilst controlling a T-Rex, Triceratops or Carnotaurus. 

It looks like lots of you eagerly volunteered to take a dino for a spin and cause chaos for your rivals. We can only assume this is because you wanted to help them practice fighting against such serious threats, and not because you wanted an exo-snack, right?

Popular Exosuits

With 10 unique Exosuits to choose from, split between 3 different roles, we were keen to see which ones you gravitated to throughout the Open Beta. Overall, there was a fairly even spread of Exosuit usage, with players finding their favorites and adapting to the current combat situation to help secure the win AND stay alive! Remember, a team lift makes the dream lift.

Out of the Assault, Tank and Support roles, we saw three Exosuits take the crown when it came to popularity and usage rates:

  • Assault – Zephyr carved its way to the top!
  • Tank – Murasame countered all opposition!
  • Support – Skywave controlled the battle from above!

Were these Exosuits part of your selection, or were you rocking something else? Either way, you’ll have plenty of options to choose from in the full game.

Top Rigs

Alongside your choice of Exosuit, you were able to augment your combat capabilities on the go with a selection of Rigs!

Judging by the results of the most popular Rigs, it looks like many of you are very bold, opting to charge into the fray with the Drill Fist to unleash powerful melee damage.

The crowd-controlling Blade and the ranged Cannon took a respectful second and third place!

Exofighters Defeated

During the Beta’s wargames, it wasn’t just the dinosaurs you had to be wary of, but your rival Exofighters!

Whilst the dinosaurs themselves took a chunk out of new recruits, you also provided some valuable combat lessons to your fellow Exofighters with a combined total of 567,923 Exofighter defeats in PvEvP combat scenarios.

PvE Content Update

The Open Beta Test not only gave the community an opportunity to try just part of the Exoprimal experience, but also give us your thoughts and feedback!

The team were grateful for everyone that took the time to share their comments with us and saw that many of you were keen to learn more about PvE and customization experiences in Exoprimal.

We originally shared the following information on April 14th via the Exoprimal website and social media accounts, but in case you missed it, here’s an overview:

What does this mean? Well, the Beta was but a snapshot of the game, and there’s plenty more to come, especially for those who are keen to further customize their Exosuit for combat, or looking to focus on the PvE aspects of Exoprimal!

You can read the full website post by clicking here.

We’ll be sharing more information on the above as we move toward launch on July 14th, and we look forward to hearing what you think of it!

Stand by for combat mission

That wraps up our first Hammerheads HQ post!

We hope you enjoyed taking a look at the Open Beta breakdown, as well as our community update on PvE and other content that you’ll be able to enjoy from launch on July 14!

Stay tuned for our next community post, but in the meantime, follow Exoprimal on Twitter, like us on Facebook, and follow us on Instagram the latest Exoprimal news.

Thanks, Exofighters!

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