#14/APE 2014: Use #APE2014 and #FortMasonCenter When You Talk About the Show on Social Media!

Using and searching #APE2014 might help you discover something new and help others discover you! Through Instagram or Facebook you might be able to spot a sketch you like. As an APE 2014 exhibitor, you can display additional work from your portfolio, since your table only has so much space, or books and other items you’re selling at APE. On Twitter you can promote your table location and a blurb about you, so people can stop by. Don’t forget you’ll need to have a public profile for your posts to be seen.

Use #APE2014 when posting and #FortMasonCenter or use Fort Mason Center as your location on your photo map on Instagram … and share your experience at APE!

Click here to buy badges for APE 2014 online and save money!

Remember your first, best, and most accurate source for information—including our daily APE Toucan Tip—is right here on the Comic-Con website and Toucan, the only OFFICIAL SDCC blog. Bookmark Toucan and the APE Front Page for the latest updates!

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