Jonny’s Cult Films: Wolf Manor


Wolf Manor,

UK 2022, 85 Minutes,

Directed by Dominic Brunt,

Starring James Fleet, Nicky Evens, John Henshaw.

“Shooting a vampire movie in an old abandoned house should have worked like a dream. However, with the full moon, The nightmare begins, The body count rises as the cast and crew encounter the mansion’s resident werewolf.”

Hello Folks!

I recently attended Mayhem festival in Nottingham and it was brilliant as always! The setting is Broadway cinema in Nottingham which is a fantastic cinema. If you’ve never been you really should.

So the next few posts will be some reviews of my favourite films of the weekend starting with a new British Werewolf movie “Wolf Manor” known in the USA as “Scream of the wolf”

So, It was Thursday and the start of Mayhem Film Festival and first up was Wolf Manor, From Director and Emmerdale star Dominic Brunt and it was bloody great! Set in an old mansion house it is based around the making of a vampire movie with a superb performance by James Fleet who plays Oliver, A pretty much washed up older actor that is to reprise his vampire role one last time, He does moan about a lot of stuff(and drinks a lot!) which is hilarious and if you have ever read about Christopher Lee by the time he got to Dracula A.D.1972 you can definitely see where the influence comes from!

This brings me to the Q&A  session after the screening with Dominic Brunt, Joel Ferrari the writer of Wolf Manor who was a man of few words but hilarious! He has also written an upcoming horror called Pandora which i would also keep your eye on if Wolf Manor is anything to go by.

One of the Joel did say was that “it is a horror films written by horror fans for horror fans.” And that summed up  Wolf Manor perfectly.

It’s basically a homage to many classics, I especially noticed many references to An American werewolf in London but there were loads more. When the Wolf arrives at the Manor it turns into a classic werewolf/ movie with the body count mounting up and some brilliant kills. Also a great thing to see was al the practical FX, The wolf itself also looked great and as menacing as can be.

Th gore level is super high as well as the laughs, Over the last few years there has been a few classic British werewolf films such as Howl and of course Dog Soldiers and i personally would put this easily up there with those movies.

Wolf Manor is a solid entry into the genre and destined to become a future favourite of many many horror fans, Like Joel said “It is a horror film written by horror fans for horror fans” Go see it as soon as you can.

A Very Solid 8.5/10


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