Donation of the day.

Dust GirlToday, I'm donating* my copy of Sarah Zettel's Dust Girl:

I loved everything on the inside of Dust Girl. It’s a great read, full stop. It’s not ultra deep by any means, but it’s thrilling, thoughtful, imaginative and fun. The basic premise is a familiar one—girl discovers that she’s half-fairy and also the main player in a major prophecy—but it still feels fresh. A good part of that is due to Callie’s engaging, honest voice. She also uses enough idiom and slang to create a ’30s flavor, but never so much that she feels over-the-top or forced

I'm donating a copy of the hardback, which has the cover I've included in this post, but check out the artwork on the paperback: looks like Random House paid attention to the negative chatter about the original cover. So that's heartening.


*In case you missed it, I took over the running of my town library at the beginning of the month, and every day that I've worked, I've donated a book.

SOURCE: bookshelves of doom – Read entire story here.