10 Tips for Email Marketing Success: A Simple Guide that Works

First and foremost, you need to be consistent. Get the same message across the board. And, do your best to not be passive-aggressive. Instead, be clear and open, and use emotion to make your point. For instance, rather than telling someone that you don’t want them to buy from you, tell them that you want to hear from them and that they can always unsubscribe if they don’t like your emails. Be thorough. While your messages need to be targeted to the recipient, you need to make sure they’re accurate. People have low trust in the email industry because of false information. People should trust your emails 100 per cent. Get to the point and be thorough. As John Kotter said, “You need to get the ball rolling; then, have a stand-up meeting to manage the project.” Make it easy to read. Pick a format that works for your brand. Have a marketing style and tone. Be sure to test and learn. Put together a clear plan. It’s not all about lead generation is just one aspect of email marketing. For many small businesses, if they don’t have any sales or leads, then they will skip email marketing altogether. So you might be wondering how you can manage your effective email marketing and lead generation simultaneously. The answer is to focus your marketing efforts on the right activities. While lead generation is important, it’s not the be-all and end-all. Most successful email marketers make the distinction between lead generation and lead nurturing.

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